$(document).ready(function () { // SKILLS let skills = [ { name: 'C#', percentage: 95 }, { name: '.NET', percentage: 95 }, { name: 'Entity Framework', percentage: 80 }, { name: 'MediatR', percentage: 85 }, { name: 'NodeJS', percentage: 95 }, { name: 'SQL', percentage: 75 }, { name: 'MongoDB', percentage: 75 }, { name: 'Angular8+', percentage: 90 }, { name: 'React', percentage: 70 }, { name: 'Vue', percentage: 50 } ] // Sort by descending percentage .sort((a, b) => b.percentage - a.percentage); $("#skills").html(""); $.each(skills, (index, skill) => { $("#skills").append(`
`) }); // EDUCATIONS let educations = [ { school: "Microsoft", timeframe: "Jan 2023", fields_of_study: [ { name: "Microsoft Certified: Azure fundamentals (AZ-900)", description: "The Microsoft AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam is designed " + "to test an individual's foundational knowledge of cloud computing and the basics of Azure services. The exam covers topics such as cloud concepts, " + "core Azure services, security, privacy, compliance, pricing and support, and Azure resource management. I prepared for the exam using the " + "Microsoft Learn platform, along with the officially provided labs and hands-on experience with Azure." + "
" + "Certificate: pdf" } ], location: { name: "Microsoft - AZ-900", url: "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/certifications/exams/az-900/" } }, { school: "Linux Foundation", timeframe: "Feb 2021 - Nov 2021", fields_of_study: [ { name: "OpenJS Node.js Application Developer (JSNAD)", description: "This certification comprehensively tested the skills and knowledge of core NodeJS APIs, such as Buffers & streams, Events, Child processes, module system, ... " + "Unit testing, diagnostics, performance, inner workings of the Node binary and the Node ecosystem, where among other knowledge areas that got tested. " + "I prepared for this certification by completing the complementary course Node.js Application Development (LFW211), along with lots of other resources (both theoretical and practical material)." + "
" + "Certificate: pdf" + "Course: pdf" } ], location: { name: "Linux Foundation - JSNAD", url: "https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/jsnad/" } }, { school: "Karel de Grote Hogeschool", timeframe: "Sept 2016 - Aug 2019", fields_of_study: [ { name: "Bachelor - Applied informatics: Application development", description: "This study programme was mainly focused around the use of Java and Object Oriented programming. In the 2nd year, I also got familiarized with C# and its " + "integration into web applications using frameworks such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI and Entity Framework. Additionally, a broad and extensive foundation on numerous " + "other technologies was laid: Oracle SQL, MSSQL, Angular 2+, Cisco networking, UML and a wide range of management courses. " + "During the final year of my education at KdG, the study programme further elaborated on web technologies such as Java Spring Boot with Thymeleaf and other frameworks, e.g. Angular 7. " + "We also integrated this knowledge in multiple large projects to get more familiar with the inner workings of these frameworks. We also deviated from the classical relational databases and " + "got to work with MongoDB.
" + "As the icing on the cake, Thomas Verhoeven and I did an internship at Stacked. " + "During the internship, we were able to fully immerse ourselves in the day-to-day business world. Within 8 weeks we created the Tech Dive Platform using a MEVN stack. " + "Eventually I graduated with distinction and I completed the study programme according to the 3-year model trajectory." } ], location: { name: "Antwerp, Belgium - Campus Groenplaats", url: "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Campus+Groenplaats+-+KdG+(Karel+de+Grote+Hogeschool)/@51.2181825,4.3998886,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x47c3f6ea98a8ce0f:0xf69cda1e60b9ce83!2sKarel+de+Grote+Hogeschool!8m2!3d51.2022912!4d4.3904732!3m4!1s0x47c3f6f6d16cb7fb:0xfc5f09fa2a5e0ae9!8m2!3d51.2181531!4d4.4009028" } }, { school: "Heilig Graf Turnhout", timeframe: "Sept 2014 - Aug 2016", fields_of_study: [ { name: "TSO - IT & Networking", description: "During my last 2 years of secondary education, I have been able to immerse myself well enough in the world of programming. " + "I learned to make basic applications in VB.NET and during my final year I also learned to combine VB.NET, HTML5 and CSS3 with ASP.NET to create web applications. " + "Furthermore, I also got taught how to work with Linux, picked up the basic knowledge of Bash scripting, learned how to set up a Windows server, found out about the basic PC parts, ... " + "For my final project, we had to create a responsive website in ASP.NET for an organization of choice. I decided to make this website for the orchestra of my music school: " + "Website." } ], location: { name: "Turnhout, Belgium - Campus Patersstraat", url: "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Heilig+Graf+secundair+onderwijs+-+campus+Patersstraat/@51.3248802,4.9492606,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c6b3d5b9b39f47:0x30ffea8a9e6a2bf1!8m2!3d51.3248769!4d4.9514493" } }, { school: "Koninklijk Atheneum Ekeren", timeframe: "Sept 2010 - Aug 2014", fields_of_study: [ { name: "ASO - Sciences & Mathematics", description: "My secondary education started in Ekeren. I have always been fascinated by science, " + "how everything is put together, how and why things work as they are. A science-oriented study programme " + "seemed like the perfect choice for me. Only, after a few years I began to realize that I would rather continue " + "my education in the field of computer science. At that time I was already working on small applications." } ], location: { name: "Ekeren, Belgium", url: "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Koninklijk+Atheneum+Ekeren/@51.2764033,4.4199533,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c409cdadc738d5:0xb1fc8845b68dee16!8m2!3d51.2764!4d4.422142" } }, ]; $("#educations-list").html(""); $.each(educations, function (index, education) { let fields = ""; $.each(education.fields_of_study, function (field_index, field) { fields += "
" + " " + field.name + "
" + "

" + field.description + "

" + "
" + "Show more
" }); $("#educations-list").append( "
" + "
" + "

" + education.school + "

" + "

" + education.timeframe + "

" + "
" + "
" + fields + " " + education.location.name + "" + "
" + "
" ) }); $(".toggle-show").on('click', function (event) { if (this.classList.contains("more")) { $(this).removeClass("more").addClass("less"); $("#" + $(this).attr("data_id")).removeClass("hidden").addClass("shown"); $("#more-less-" + $(this).attr("data_id")).text("less"); } else { $(this).removeClass("less").addClass("more"); $("#" + $(this).attr("data_id")).removeClass("shown").addClass("hidden"); $("#more-less-" + $(this).attr("data_id")).text("more"); } }); // WORK EXPERIENCE (TIMELINE) let work_experiences = [ { position: ".NET Developer", company: "Cheops, Kontich, Belgium", timeframe: "January 2023 - Present", description: "", technologies: [ ".NET 6+", ".NET Framework 4.6.1+", "Entity Framework", "MediatR", "Dapper", "MS SQL", "Azure Cloud", "Docker", "Node.js", "OAuth 2.0 + JWT", "Angular2+", "React", "Gitlab", "Unit Testing" ] }, { position: "Full Stack Developer", company: "RMDY NV, Kontich, Belgium", timeframe: "December 2019 - December 2022", description: "

" + "At RMDY I had my first experiences working both in internal development teams for internal/external clients, " + "as well as a consultant. Because of the variety in these projects, I am capable of being flexible in lots of " + "different situations and development teams, be it small or large teams. Some of the highlights so far are:" + "

", technologies: [ "Node.js", "Express", "MongoDB", "Google APIs", "OAuth 2.0 + JWT", "NPM package development", "Angular2+", "Vue.js", "Gitlab", "Docker", ".NET", "Unit Testing" ] }, { position: "Google Cloud Platform Developer", position_note: "(Student job)", company: "XTi, Kontich, Belgium", timeframe: "June 2019 - July 2019", description: "

" + "At XTi, I, along with Thomas Verhoeven, worked on an internal research project, regarding an extension of XTI's services. " + "Before our research on GCP, they were mainly focused on developing using Amazon Web Services, " + "but because of more competition in cloud services, XTi wanted to explore their options with other cloud service providers. " + "

" + "Our test project was a small immo web scraper, that would periodically scrape certain websites with certain filters to limit the scrape results. " + "These filters would depend on the search preferences of users. Users would also be notified when certain new results, that suited their preferences, were found or old results had changed. " + "

" + "In the course of the coming 4 weeks, we developed the application and changed it to run on App Engine (Flex and standard environments) and modularized the project for use in Cloud Functions and Cloud Run. " + "We also got more familiar using the Google Cloud infrastructure, its limitations and advantages, ... " + "As an added bonus, we learned how to set up and modify Docker containers, how to use Docker files for deployment. " + "Something that we never had done before, or got set up for us." + "

", technologies: [ "App Engine (Flex & Standard)", "Cloud Functions", "Cloud Run", "Cloud Scheduler", "Cloud Firestore", "Java Spring + Selenium", "Docker" ] }, { position: "Full Stack Javascript Developer", position_note: "(Internship KdG)", company: "Stacked, Edegem, Belgium", timeframe: "April 2019 - June 2019", description: "

" + "For this internship at Stacked, Thomas Verhoeven and I were tasked with developing a web app, " + "called 'Tech Dive Platform'. This platform would later be used for people to register for RMDY's Tech Dives. " + "The need for a managed platform grew when they noticed a growing trend in the amount of people that would show up for their Tech Dives, " + "ever since they organized their first public Tech Dive. " + "

" + "While we were working on the Tech Dive Platform, we were also able to fully grasp concepts such as code review, scrum and agile workflow, ... " + "In short, subjects that were only briefly touched on at KdG. " + "We also learned to use Vue.js, a framework akin to Angular 2+. Learning to work with these new technologies was also the reason why I chose this particular internship. " + "This way we were able to broaden our perspective on current and relevant technologies, beside the ones we were taught to use during our education at KdG. " + "

" + "After the final product was delivered, I left with a satisfied feeling, having learned new and interesting concepts along the way and being able to have had this opportunity." + "

", technologies: [ "Vue.js + PWA", "Node.js + Express", "MongoDB", "Google APIs", "OAuth 2.0 + JWT" ] }, { position: "Website maintainer", position_note: "(Student job)", company: "Anubis Care Brasschaat, Belgium", timeframe: "Oct 2016 - Present", description: "

" + "At Anubis Care I am mainly concerned with maintaining the website. This includes tasks such as:
" + "

" + "Additionally, I also perform tasks using Exact Online. This mainly concerns product management, stock changes, ..." + "

", technologies: [ "Wordpress", "WooCommerce", "Yoast SEO", "Exact Online" ] }, { position: "Intern", position_note: "(Internship secondary education)", company: "Soudal NV Turnhout, Belgium", timeframe: "Oct 2015 - Nov 2015 (2 weeks)", description: "

" + "During my internship at Soudal NV, my primary task was to create webforms using Sharepoint:
" + "

" + "

", technologies: [ "Sharepoint", "Infopath", "VB.NET" ] }, ]; $("#timeline").html(""); $.each(work_experiences, function (index, job) { let technologies = "
  • " + job.technologies.join("
  • ") + "
  • "; $("#timeline").append( "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "

    " + job.position + ((job.position_note !== undefined) ? " " + job.position_note + " " : "") + "

    " + "
    " + job.company + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + job.timeframe + "
    " + "
    " + job.description + "

    Used technologies:

    " + " " + "
    " + "
    " ) }); // PROJECTS let projects = [ { project_id: "integratie_KdG_2018", card_title: "Integration project KdG 2018", card_tag: "C# + ASP.NET", filter: { name: "C#", data_name: "c-sharp" }, title: "Political Barometer", tag: "SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYSIS", detail: "The political barometer is a web application that aims to find and analyze trends around persons, themes and organizations and show these to users in a well-organized way. " + "This website was a group assignment for KdG, in collaboration with Textgain, Tree Company and Nodebox. " + "I was responsible for the back-end part: C#, MSSQL, WebAPI, MVC, Entity Framework Code First + Migrations, ... Furthermore, I also worked on a small android application for this project.", // link: "", // bullets: [ // "", // "" // ], slides: 4 }, { project_id: "tdp_stacked_2019", card_title: "Internship project Stacked 2019", card_tag: "Vue.js, Node.js, MongoDB", filter: { name: "JAVASCRIPT", data_name: "js" }, title: "Tech Dive Platform", tag: "MANAGED EVENT PLATFORM", detail: "The Tech Dive Platform is a platform where users, that are familiar with RMDY's Tech Dives, can register themselves and sign themselves up to go to talks of planned Tech Dives. " + "The homepage contains a dynamic grid system that can change the subjects, its timetable, ... according to the next upcoming Tech Dive. " + "For this project, I decided to work on both front-end and back-end, because of the new technologies involved in both sides of the application.", // link: "", // bullets: [ // "", // "" // ], slides: 5 } ]; $("#project-filter").html("").append("
    "); $("#project-filter-float-bar").html("").append("
    "); $("#gallery").html(""); let filters = []; $.each(projects, function (index, project) { if ($("#project-filter").html().indexOf(project.filter.data_name) === -1) { let filter_text = "
    " + project.filter.name + "
    "; $("#project-filter").append(filter_text); $("#project-filter-float-bar").append(filter_text); } $("#gallery").append("
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + project.card_title + "
    " + " " + project.card_tag + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
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    ").repeat(projects[id].slides)); $.each($('#modal .slide'), function (index, value) { $(this).css({ background: "url('../img/slides/en/" + projects[id].project_id + '-' + (index + projects[id].slides - 1) % projects[id].slides + ".png') center center/cover", backgroundSize: 'cover' }); }); } $(window).resize(function () { slideWidth = $(window).width() * 0.9 > 700 ? 700 : $(window).width() * 0.9; threshold = slideWidth / 3; setDimensions(); $("#carousel").css({ height: imgHeight / (imgWidth / slideWidth) }); $(".slide").css({ width: slideWidth }); }); });